Keeping your mind on the road saves lives

Published: Monday 24 February 2025

Deadline-dogwalker poster for Road Safety Scotland's Distraction campaign.

The latest national road safety campaign has been launched – and the council’s Road Safety Calendar winner is on the same track.

The Distraction campaign by Road Safety Scotland urges all road users – whether in vehicles or not – to keep their mind on the road.

And P6 pupil Emily Findlay’s entry tied into the same philosophy, reminding pedestrians to keep themselves clear and visible.

Distractions are one of the most common causes of incidents on Scotland's roads. Recent statistics showed that more than 80% of road users said they experienced distraction while on the road, with more than one in three of those admitting their minds regularly wandered to other activities, tasks or plans. Even more worryingly, 42% of drivers have zoned out during a journey and couldn’t remember how they got to their destination.

While drivers are the greatest risk to others, pedestrians also share responsibility for road safety, with nearly half of distracted pedestrians reporting a near miss with a vehicle.

Winner of the Road Safety Calendar Competition 2024-5, Emily Findlay.

Councillor Davie McLachlan, Chair of the council’s Road Safety Forum, said: “It is great to see that Emily’s calendar entry highlights part of the same issue as the national campaign, because it means that there is a good awareness here in South Lanarkshire of such vitally important messages.

“However, it is something that not just many, but all road users need to be aware of, because the road is a shared space and everyone must concentrate at all times when using it.

“We all have a responsibility to stay focused on the road and look out for other users. Failing to look properly, failing to judge a person or vehicle’s speed or path, or acting in a careless, reckless or hurried manner are the most common causes of incidents, and the consequences of distraction can be devastating

The national campaign is running across TV, cinema, radio, digital and outdoor channels, and further information can be found on Road Safety Scotland’s website at